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Welcome to Gallery AA

Gallery AA is an e-gallery where the original and Affordable Artworks can be found directly from Artist’s studio at your convenient time. Reza Riahi is the resident artist & founder of Gallery-AA, he has acquired his artistic skills through on job training and mostly a self-taught artist. Reza immigrated from Iran to the UK as a young student in 1980 and achieved Postgrad Diploma in computer sciences and Project management, later he worked as an ICT consultant globally where he was influenced by different cultures and local creativity, he always followed his passion for art and creative world. His source of inspiration and influence comes from his philosophy which he briefly words them as "I believe in a journey NOT a destination, I believe in creation NOT destruction, I believe in participation NOT a competition, I believe in a start NOT an end, I believe in now NOT later, I believe in do, NOT don't and that is why I believe in Art and Artisans, what do you believe in?"